MOIGE Have you spread the word about your role as a Young Ambassador in your school? Share the cool tools and strategies you've used!
TeamItalia Yes, I spread the word about my role as Young Ambassador, because it is a very important reference role and I believe that everyone should know who to turn to besides their teachers. On the other hand, it is precisely the latter who promote the peer-to-peer mode, encouraging relationships between peers. I must admit that I have practically told everyone I know in the school about my role and how it works so simply as soon as a person greets me, who is not from my class, in addition to greeting them in turn the first thing I will tell them is that I was chosen as a young ambassador No, because I would first like to get to know the world of online dangers correctly and then talk about them with my classmates. I haven't spread the word about my role in the Moige project yet, because I believe that first we need to learn and know well the issues being addressed. But for any curiosity that my friends have I will be available. I haven't spread the word about my role in the Moige project yet, because I believe that first we need to learn and know well the issues that afflict my peers in order to then be able to help them. I know well the importance of my role in being a reference figure, but I want to be ready for any type of help they ask of me and this is only possible in knowing. Not yet but with the arrival of the open day and the meetings we will have in the various classes I will be recognized as a Young Ambassador. In my class and to some of my friends, I told about the task that was entrusted to me and what my responsibilities are, the activities planned by Moige both to train Young Ambassadors like me and to raise awareness of the other topics covered. Yes, I've spread the word about my role as a young ambassador. the tools I used were friendships, from friend to friend, but also through messages and also showing my progress as a Young Ambassador through photos. Yes, word has spread about my and my classmates' role as ambassadors, this news was communicated mainly in person, but many also learned about it through the Instagram profile, previously created by our 5 classmates, specifically for this project. Although I am very proud of the fact of being a young ambassador, I was not very good at spreading the word, in fact my role was only discovered when I had to inform the teachers that I would be busy holding my school's open day.